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YourCare member

Amanda Edwards

At 51 while being treated for Bipolar disorder it was discovered I had a frontal lobe brain tumour. Apparently the late onset of the Bipolar was caused by the tumour which has now been removed but has left me with and Acquired Brain Injury, both Bipolar I and II, and Frontal Lobe Syndrome. I was a confident, happy, hard working woman who has lost any self esteem, tries to put on a brave face but usually fails and if I'm not in a rage, I'm crying. People don't think there is anything wrong with me as I look normal, now that I have hair again and with the help of about 15 pills a day act fairly normal most of the time. I feel that people don't think I'm genuine, I feel extremely misunderstood and I think I'm paranoid but I'm not sure. Mostly I'd rather stay in bed because I don't have to think about anything. I have some acquaintances but no real friends.

Burleigh Heads
State: Queensland
Postcode: 4220 Country: Australia

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