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Cyrenian House Drug Rehabilitation Centre

Cyrenian House is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation which aims to contribute to the well being of people suffering from effects of drug and alcohol misuse. Therapeutic Community and the the Saranna Women's and Children program is the only service in WA that enables women with dependent children to engage in residential program.. In a TC there is focus on social, psychological and behavioural dimensions of substance use, with the use of the community to heal individuals emotionally and support the development of behaviours, attitudes and values of healthy living.

318 Fitzgerald St
State: WA
Postcode: 6006

(08) 9328 9200

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Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.

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Activ provides support services people with intellectual disabilities and their families. Activ's services are as a HACC provider( also in MSW) ; has Sitter Services(9528 4711), does recreational activities, provides family support, has many respite facilities throughout metro area (Lockett St 9371 1222 ; other respite 99371 1222) and has day care centres in Variety Pelican in Bayswater and Cruise St, Rockingham and provides employment alternatives for their clients. Also provides transport (9387 0549) and library and info services. The HACC services provided are :-centre-based day care, respite care in and out of home ,especially in dedicated respite houses, and social support.

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Cyrenian House is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation which aims to contribute to the well being of people suffering from effects of drug and alcohol misuse. Therapeutic Community and the the Saranna Women's and Children program is the only service in WA that enables women with dependent children to engage in residential program.. In a TC there is focus on social, psychological and behavioural dimensions of substance use, with the use of the community to heal individuals emotionally and support the development of behaviours, attitudes and values of healthy living.

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Recent discussions

Hi, I was wanting to know if i can access Telstra vouchers online somewhere? or do i still need to attend St Vincent DePaul's to obtain them! Can someone please advise me.
Also can anyone assist and or advise me on obtaining cheaper and permanent accommodation via services relevant my lease ends this November i am in a high rental house and need to get out of here as i cannot afford this anymore....thanking you with kind regards Susan

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Justin Booth


Hello ,
I'm in a really bad situation atm . I recently had to move because my dad who I was caring for 10 years had to go into aged care .
I had nowhere to go with my dog and luckily someone I barely know let me rent a room off him in Powelltown, Vic .
I don't drive and it's an 18km walk just to get to a bus stop that is still Ages away from most things .
My centerlink has been cut off because I couldnt attend a job provider appointment due to it being so far and I haven't had any food for 5 days now.
There is a local food relief place that gives Me a few fresh vegetables every Friday but they didn't come today and it's only a few fruit and veg which is not very nourishing on an empty stomach . They only come on Fridays when they can .
Can you guys please

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