Dr Babu Kothalanka
Kingsmill St
State: WA
Postcode: 6721
(08) 9158 1666
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
WA, Australia
This is a Public hospital which provides an acute service to Narrogin and its surrounding districts. This consists of a 24-hour emergency department, a six bed obstetric unit, a four bed paediatric unit, a 30 bed acute surgical, medical and psychiatric unit (also includes rehabilitation patients), a two bed 'rooming in' (psychiatric) unit and a nine bed day surgery unit. There is a 2 bed palliative care and cancer support unit. All services offerred are :- Allied Health . Anaesthesia . Audiology . Care Awaiting Placement . Chemotherapy . Dermatology . Emergency . Extended Care . Falls Assessment Service . Geriatric . Laboratory . Maternity . MOW . Medical Imaging . Medical, Acute, General . Mental Health . Nursing . Obstetrics . OSH . Operating Theatre . Opthalmology . Orthopaedics . Outpatients . Paediatrics . Pain Management . Palliative Care . Pharmacy Respite Care . Stomal Therapy . Surgical Unit .
Visit supplier >WA, Australia
Acute care hospital. Acute surgical and medical 7 days, includes maternity, children's surgical and emergency. No respite. Onsite radiology and pathology. Allied health services (listed separately - Naturaliste Health communities) are contracted from the Health Centre based directly across the road from hospital. 2 bed private hospice attached to hospital, respite available for palliative clients - calls can be directed to hospital number and will be put through.
Visit supplier >Muswellbrook
I had a very tough year the last few months I had to watch my mother slowly die from breast cancer, been struggling since mums passing before I turned 50. My family doesn't talk to me after mother passed been a lot of other things on my mind in regards to my immediate family. I feel so lost and lonely don't see anything to live for even though I've got 4 grown kids and 4 grandchildren still I can't feel anything any more for anyone. I need help please
Visit member >4 St. Helens Point Rd., St. Helens, Australia
On the 18th of January I have to go to Launceston because I will have surgery on the next day.
I would be happy if someone could give me a ride.