DSC LAC (Belmont)
Terry Wilson (08) 9479 4872 Sean Jones - (08) 9379 3806 Joseph Cahill - (08) 9479 5355
44 Belmont Ave
State: WA
Postcode: 6104
(08) 9479 3697
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
WA, Australia
Family holiday accommodation - reasonable rates. Seniors' holiday one week in March each year. Priority to families with children during school holidays. Totally wheelchair accessible. Linen provided (sheets, pillowcases and towels) $8 per person. TV (no charge). Washing machine available at $1 per load. Fees: $88 per night per unit non- members, $77 members.
Visit supplier >RUCSN Great Southern Inclusion Support Agency (GSISA)
WA, Australia
RUCSN (Resource Unit for Children With Special Needs Inc) Country Inclusion Support Agency is called Great Southern Inclusion Support Agency (GSISA) and its aim is to help Commonwealth-funded children's services include children with additional needs. 'Additional needs' refers to children from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse background (CALD), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, South Sea Islander children and children with disabilities and special needs. Commonwealth Funded Children's Services in Western Australia includes Private and Community-based Long Day Care, Family Day Care, Outside School Hours Care, some Vacation Care, some Occasional Care and Year Round Care. RUCSN's Regional Inclusion Pools are funded by the Department of Family and Community Services(FAHCSIA) and are Australia-wide.The aim of the Inclusion Support Program is to promote and maintain high quality care for all children, including those with additional needs.
Visit supplier >Noosaville
I'm a single mum of 4 homeless all my money is going on accommodation now this is our last day in a motel and I haven't got any money to get another week somewhere in need of a home or accommodation + needing emergency food vouchers
Visit member >Nambucca Heads
Need someone to mow my lawn as I'm renting privately and cannot no longer afford to pay as my rent has increased $50 a Week. And my usual Chap has increased his rates, that I can no longer sustain unfortunately I'm in Nambucca Heads NSW Australia pH 0474539471
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