Headwest is able to advocate or provide referral info in areas of accommodation, education/training, financial asst, legal asst, medical & therapy services, recreation, respite & carer support and transport servcies. Headwest is funded by DSC as an info and advocacy service. Headwest has developed an extensive database of services available for people with an acquired brain injury, their families and carers in WA.
645 Canning Highway
State: WA
Postcode: 6154
1800 626 370
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Local Area Coordinator(LAC) - Moora
WA, Australia
The Disability Services Commission provides Local Area Coordination support throughout all regional areas of WA. Local Area Coordinators (LACs) are based in local communities enabling support to be personalised, flexible and responsive. LACs aim to build and maintain effective working relationships with individuals and families in their local area Local Area Coordination is available to people with physical, sensory, neurological, cognitive and/or intellectual disabilities who are under the age of 60 at the time they apply for LAC support. The LAC operates as a service coordinator rather than a service provider and, as such, can help the person with a disability and their families/carers to plan, select and receive needed supports and services. The overall aim of Local Area Coordination is to support people with disabilities to live within welcoming and supportive communities.
Visit supplier >Wheatbelt Individual and Family Support Ass Inc (WIFSA)
WA, Australia
Provides financial support to families/carers to allow them to have a break from their caring role. Host Family Respite/Holiday Program Respite/Holiday activites, camps, community recreation activies.
Visit supplier >Normanville
Sorry i am in SA post code 5204 i need food and fuel age pensioner with 2 children.can i get some help. A 3rd child on weekends thank you
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