Medina Manor
Medina Manor is a dementia specific facility, offers low level permanent or respite care. it include: -24 hours care by qualified staff -Ageing in Place -Permanent and Respite Care -Large single rooms with ensuites -spacious lounge area's -emergency call button systems -Safe and Secure enviornment -On site personal laundry staff -Pharmacy Service -Meals prepared by qualified staff -Extensive Activities (tai chi, yoga, danc and music therapy) -Private area tp spend with loved ones
200a Smith Street
State: VIC
Postcode: 3071
(03) 94168700
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
VIC, Australia
Visits from RDNS, General practioners, allied health proffessionals and case managers are all available.
Visit supplier >Mortlake
Hi I am a single mum with a 15 year old with ADHD and ASD. I am in desperate need of help with food vouchers and phone credit as it runs out today and I don’t have any other phone. Is there anyone that can help me
Visit member >Morningside
Hi, I'm just wondering where I can get food vouchers from in Morningside Qld.
Visit member >