Tallangatta Health Service
Provides sub acute medical inpatient care, Distict Nursing Allied Health Services includes: Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Speech Pathology Podiatry
Barree Street
State: VIC
Postcode: 3700
(02) 6071 5200
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
VIC, Australia
Provides support services for those with a disability or elderly. Provides permanent residential aged care, respite care and community housing in Glen Iris and permanent residential aged care in Prahran. Provides community services from Day Centres in East Malvern and Pakenham. Services include planned activity groups, strength training, podiatry and our Lunching Out program. Most services are provided for residents of City of Stonnington and Shire of Cardinia. Transport may be available if required. mecwacare provides an adult training and support program offering choice, diversity and active participation for people with an intellectual disability. The service offers a range of programs to participants of different age groups, including: Future for Young Adults 18 - 21 years, Community Options and Centre Based Programs for ages 22 +. Clients can access programs in the southern and eastern metropolitan regions of Melbourne for a maximum of 30 hours per week.
Visit supplier >VIC, Australia
C.A.C.P.A X 50 in Southern region. Residential care - 1 high care, 3 low care. ILU's - 4 sites. Includes Day therapy centre. Age range 65+ years. Priority given to war widows, veterans and their dependants. Inidipendent living units also available.
Visit supplier >Albury
Hi, I was wanting to know if i can access Telstra vouchers online somewhere? or do i still need to attend St Vincent DePaul's to obtain them! Can someone please advise me.
Also can anyone assist and or advise me on obtaining cheaper and permanent accommodation via services relevant my lease ends this November i am in a high rental house and need to get out of here as i cannot afford this anymore....thanking you with kind regards Susan