The Elly Kay Centre
90 bed low level care facility offering residents private rooms w individual ensuites. Special dietary needs are catered for. Regular organised programs & an activity program. Medical practitioncer, hairdressing & masseuses all available. Offers a respite bed & is located close to public transport, shops, churches & recreation facilities. Allied health services include: diversionaltherpy and physiotherapy. Clients with Dementia also catered for.
45 - 51 Elliot St
State: VIC
Postcode: 3195
(03) 8586 1400
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
VIC, Australia
Visits from RDNS, General practioners, allied health proffessionals and case managers are all available.
Visit supplier >Muswellbrook
I'm currently struggling to get food haven't had a decent feed in a couple of days. In need of some help food assistance and I don't get payment after the 10th.
Visit member >Nambucca Heads
Need someone to mow my lawn as I'm renting privately and cannot no longer afford to pay as my rent has increased $50 a Week. And my usual Chap has increased his rates, that I can no longer sustain unfortunately I'm in Nambucca Heads NSW Australia pH 0474539471
Visit member >