Bethanie Waters
Bethanie Waters caters for residents who require daily care. Support services include personal care, medication and treatment from various allied health professionals , laundry and room cleaning. Assistance is available 24/7. This a 160 bed facility in total with 60 HC and 100 LC beds and includes 30 double rooms for people who have had an ACAT. Services include Ageing in place, Respite care x 1 bed, Dementia specific secured wing, and extra services in the LCF. Also has Podiatry services and has a Community Visiting Scheme . Activities also include bingo and quizzes. Public bus stop is close by and the facility transport runs weekly. A small shop and cafe, hairdresser, consulting room and Staying Active Centre (designed to maintain and improve resident's mobility and general fitness) are located on the central boulevard. This sweeping avenue is central to all the accommodation wings, and includes seating nooks where residents can meet with family and friends.
18 Olivenza Crescent
State: WA
Postcode: 6172
(08) 9593 9300
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
WA, Australia
40 bed low level care hostel all with single rooms and ensuite. Services provided include occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatrist, hairdresser and bus available for outings. Close to public bus transport. Updated March 2008.
Visit supplier >Dryandra Hostel - Kellerberrin
WA, Australia
Dryandra Hostel is a low care 26 bed accredited facility, with ageing in place, providing permanent and respite accommodation and care to frail and aged residents. A local GP visits every week ; There is nursing support through the hospital and residents have regular visits to the podiatrist at the hospital ; Therapy assessments are done by a visiting OT; Local churches hold regular services ; Hairdresser visits weekly ; and there is volunteer support from community members . Aged Care Assessment Team (Northam) Referrals from a Medical Practitioner and the Aged Care Assessment Team are required for entry to Dryandra. For assistance to arrange an assessment for a potential resident please contact us (details above) or the ACAT direct at Northam on 08 9690 1318.
Visit supplier >Jordan Springs
Hi my name is Tahlia just wondering if anyone can help asap with bedding and clothing vouchers .
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