Bowman Johnson Hostel
21 room complex - 4 with ensuite, others are single rooms and share a bathroom. Tariff includes 3 meals per day, laundry facilities, bedroom, TV lounge, dining room, transport to appointments if available. Two case managers can assist to find permanent accommodation. St Lukes nursing attend. Cost $115per week per person. Rent must be paid 1 week in advance or $20 per night
5 Oxford St
State: QLD
Postcode: 4101
(07) 3844 2115
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Mount Morgan Aboriginal Corporation
QLD, Australia
Provide housing for Aboriginal community. Some relief money is available at times.
Visit supplier >Community Rental Group Inc. Fraser Coast
QLD, Australia
No emergency accommodation. Transititional housing arrangement only while a client is on the wait list for public housing. Provides appropriate affordable housing. 14 disability; 5 domestic violence, general, 5 aged, 2 youth. Private rental program.
Visit supplier >Greenacre
To whom It may concern,
My name is Robert, I’ve experienced family domestic violent. Sadly I have a big injury in my back disk due to been assaulted and bashed by 6 x Police officers on the
20-11-2020. I haven’t been working, I’m receiving Centrelink job seeker. I got kicked out from the family house that I was paying mortgage for. Ive been homeless and leaving in a motel, I did approach Housing Department and thank god and thanks to them that they have offered me a 1 bedroom until which im hoping to move into it next week. Sadly I can’t afford to buy some of the furniture for the unit , jI’m wondering if your company would be able to help me out ?
18a Parkhouse avenue, seaton
Please could U provide me device information located in adelaide
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