Bruce Rock Dental
This is a general dental practice and the dentist is Dr Ramesh Rajagopalan. There is a government subsidy scheme for pension card holders. The other dental practice attended by Dr Ramesh Rajagopalan is available at Bates Street Dental Centre in Merredin - 9041 1735.
Bruce Rock Health Centre , 16 Butcher St
32 Bates Street , MERREDIN
State: WA
Postcode: 6418
(08) 9061 1954
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
WA, Australia
This is a general dental practice and Dr John L Fenn is the sole practitioner.
Visit supplier >WA, Australia
This is a general dental practice with a sole practitioner- Dr Ramesh Rajagopalan. He also has rooms for his Dental Service in Bruce Rock at Medical Centre Fri 8.30 am - 5.00 pm. For bookings Ph: 9061 1954 or 9041 1735.
Visit supplier >Haigslea, Australia
Hi my name is Trent. I have been unemployed since February 10th, I have applied for jobseeker but my claim was rejected and now is being reassessed by the complex review team. I am in need of some food and personal items as I have fully out welcomed my friends and family for support. I have a rental bill through my Aunty but they are not chasing me down for it. If anyone could help me I will be much appreciated. This is the first time I have ever had to ask for help and it’s a hard thing to do.
Visit member >Greenacre
To whom It may concern,
My name is Robert, I’ve experienced family domestic violent. Sadly I have a big injury in my back disk due to been assaulted and bashed by 6 x Police officers on the
20-11-2020. I haven’t been working, I’m receiving Centrelink job seeker. I got kicked out from the family house that I was paying mortgage for. Ive been homeless and leaving in a motel, I did approach Housing Department and thank god and thanks to them that they have offered me a 1 bedroom until which im hoping to move into it next week. Sadly I can’t afford to buy some of the furniture for the unit , jI’m wondering if your company would be able to help me out ?