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YourCare supplier


Carealot services are provided throughout the metropolitan and South West Regional areas. Our services are available around the clock or for just a few hours per week, depending upon our clients’ needs. Examples of our services include domestic cleaning, personal care, shopping, transport, respite, meal preparation and home and gardening maintenance. Carealot are contracted service providers through the Veterans Home Care Program in the metropolitan and South West Country areas.

Unit 3 / 244 Rokeby Road
Suburb: Subiaco
State: WA
Postcode: 6008

08 9388 3866

Get 15% off your first order! Simply enter CARE15 at the checkout. Visit the shop When you care about the cost of care

Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.

Join the campaign
With your help, we’ll advocate for all Australians to get a fair go. Together we can make a difference. Join now
Co-owned with Members
Coming soon. We want to share in any future success, so we’ll invite members to become co-owners.
Private and protected
We believe your data should always be private and secure. You’ll always be in control.

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The Disability Services Commission (DSC) provides Local Area Coordination (LAC) support throughout all of Western Australia. The service is available to people with physical, sensory, neurological, cognitive and/or intellectual disabilities under the age of 60 . The LAC operates as a service coordinator rather than a service provider and, as such, can help the person with a disability and their families/carers to plan, select and receive needed supports and services. The overall aim of Local Area Coordination is to support people with disabilities to live within welcoming and supportive communities. The Regional manager is Rosemary Archer. Phone : 9881 4985 Email : [email protected] The other LACs are :- Fleur Pedlar Phone : 9881 4984 Emai l: [email protected] Lynda Myres Phone : 9881 4855 Email : [email protected]

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Provides information, support and advocacy. Supports people with disabilities to live a full life in their local communities, and support local communities to welcome and support people with disabilities. Rebecca Hicks is the LAC .

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Recent discussions

Hi my name is Charlene Lindsay and I am a single mum of a 8 year old daughter and I am in need of help with a food Voucher because me and my daughter don't have any food till I get paid next Friday morning

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Emma Louise

Ipswich, Australia

Hi my name is Emma and I am a single mum of two teenagers and I am in need of help with a food Voucher and fuel voucher. I am and have been struggling financially for quite some time now and don't like asking for help, with minimum help from centrelink due to the kids ages and not being classed as a single mum and only one shift a week at work my situation has become worse and am not breaking even to pay rent and my other bills. There is no money left over for groceries or fuel. Can someone help please?

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