Disability Services Gippsland
Provide information and referrals for - Case Management, Behaviour Intervention Support Team, Assisting and Supporting Individual Skill Development, Shared Supported Accommodation, Respite, Educational and Vocational Support, Futures for Young Adults, Individualised Planning, Home First, Equipment Services, Referrals,
11 Hazelwood Road
State: VIC
Postcode: 3840
1800 783 783
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Dept of Human Services - Mildura
VIC, Australia
** Youth Justice, Child Protection & Housing ** Information, Disability services, Youth Justice (includes the Swan Hill area), Protective services, Office of Housing & Dept of Education.
Visit supplier >Doonside
Hi I'm looking for a barber for home visit to cut my old bedridden uncle hair n shave his beard.
Visit member >Greenacre
To whom It may concern,
My name is Robert, I’ve experienced family domestic violent. Sadly I have a big injury in my back disk due to been assaulted and bashed by 6 x Police officers on the
20-11-2020. I haven’t been working, I’m receiving Centrelink job seeker. I got kicked out from the family house that I was paying mortgage for. Ive been homeless and leaving in a motel, I did approach Housing Department and thank god and thanks to them that they have offered me a 1 bedroom until which im hoping to move into it next week. Sadly I can’t afford to buy some of the furniture for the unit , jI’m wondering if your company would be able to help me out ?