Dr Radwan Almusawy
Medical practice with services in the following areas: General practice, visiting rights/admission rights to local hospital and Minor skin surgery.
Henty Medical Centre
8 Ivor St
Suburb: HENTY
State: NSW
Postcode: 2658
(02) 6929 3760
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
NSW, Australia
General Practitioners Dr Akeel Alwaali and Dr Alad Al- Essa. Bulk billing for Aged Pensioners only <p> Medicare claim facilities available at local newsagent.
Visit supplier >Regional Imaging Cardiovascular Centre
NSW, Australia
Day surgery for vascular diagnostic and interventional angiography, including diagnostic cardiac angiography and stenting, and AAA Stenting.
Visit supplier >bundoora
Need a place to live as l have been scammed with my apartment for 6 months and vcat no one can help.me
Visit member >Nambucca Heads
Need someone to mow my lawn as I'm renting privately and cannot no longer afford to pay as my rent has increased $50 a Week. And my usual Chap has increased his rates, that I can no longer sustain unfortunately I'm in Nambucca Heads NSW Australia pH 0474539471
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