North Midlands Medical Practice
77 Maley St
State: WA
Postcode: 6519
(08) 9954 1013
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
WA, Australia
Dr Alan Richard (Dick) Newnham(P/T) and Dr Tom McGee (Principal) are the GPs at this medical practice.There is a visiting podiartist - Siobhan Vosnacos- each month on Thursdays and a visiting clinical psychologist - Richard Taylor- who comes to the surgery each week. Helen Mildwaters is the Practice nurse and Liz Choules is the Practice Manager.
Visit supplier >Southern Cross General Practice
WA, Australia
Dr E B Soloman is the sole practitioner in this general medical practice. He is the rostered on-call GP for the Southern Cross Hospital . The Southern Cross Community Health Clinic is also located at these rooms. They provide the following Services : Child Health . Continence Management and Education . Diabetes Management and Education . Immunisation . School Health . Fiona Liddle and Jessica Della Bosca are the Community Nurses and they visit each Wednesday and Thursday from 8am to 4.30pm. Wendy Jardine is the HSM , based in Merredin- 9041 2977/9041 4444(Head Office).
Visit supplier >WYONG
I recently had a 5 day holiday for a family get together, and I had a friend from Sydney stay in my unit to look after my cat as I could not take here with us. Sadly, one of our neighbor's put a note on her car window, that she was not allowed to park the car there, and that she had been reported to Department of Housing. the spot she parked in is a spare spot, and not parking has been officially allocated to tenants. I spoke to dept of housing about this, and was told it was quite ok for me to have a visitor stay, and for them to use that car space and that they would notify all the tenants of this. But to date nothing has happened, and I have another trip away coming up soon, and really don't want this to happen again. Any advice would be appreciated.
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