Partners In Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC)
To improve the rate at which older people from non English speaking backgrounds and those who are culturally diverse, can and use residential and community care services (not including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people). To establish a more culturally appropriate aged care environment through the formation of partnerships with aged and community care providers.
Spillett House
65 Smith St
Suburb: DARWIN
State: NT
Postcode: 800
(08) 8941 1004
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
Central Australian Community Toy Library (CACTL)
NT, Australia
Target group - Families, Aboriginal, Non English speaking background,Low income and Special needs
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Looking after Launceston and surrounding suburbs.
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Hello. Catherine here. I am a little embarrassed to admit that I am not able to feed myself. I have let my car rego go because I cant afford the greenslip. After I pay my rent and other bills I have no money left for food. PLEASE help
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