Support and recreational activities for youth of the Mundaring & Swan Shires from a centre based in Swan View. an outreach program that works intensively with individual young people with specific issues. Updated February 2008
Enterprise House
2 Eveline Strret
State: WA
Postcode: 6056
(08) 9374 1517
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
WA, Australia
An employment agency for people with ongoing disabilities. Provides employment training and assists young people with a disability to secure and maintain employment To be eligible , must be Centrelink endorsed, have a disability, and be able to work minimum of 8 hrs per week (eventually Unsupported). Must want to work - Aged 15yrs - 65yrs All service provided is in relation to Employment. Covers Upper and Central Great Southern. (Open and Supported Employment) Is also a Centrelink Agency.
Visit supplier >WA, Australia
Employment service. Must have a disability and can work min 8 hours pre week. Must want to work - Aged 15yrs - 65yrs.
Visit supplier >ETTALONG BEACH
Single male 84, house trained ex tradie none drink or smoke fitnes freek need flat to live in, Ettalong area
Visit member >Munno Para, Australia
Hi i'm a 34 year old pensioner with a disability I have recently been a victim of family violence. I have 3 children. My 10yo lizard was fed to my dogs as well as all my food in the cupboard, my front door was kicked in so currently has no door knob and can't be locked, my daughter was terrorizes where he stood in her room with a knife and all our clothing and most bedding was cut up. I have spoken to centrelink who cannot help me because the perpetrators address wasn't mine, I have tried welfare agencies who for the past 3 days have been full by the time I get through on the phone and no one seems to be concerned or worried about the after effects. If anyone can please help please let me know.
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