Fusion Home Support
A home modification and maintenance service especially to enable people with disabilities, the frail aged, and their carers to remain in their home. This service covers the (03) 63 and (03) 64 telephone areas. Also provides assistance with gardening, spring cleaning and social support. No ongoing lawn mowing available.
31 West Thistle St
Former Coates Patons Building
State: TAS
Postcode: 7249
1300 788 860
Understanding the price you pay for care is essential for managing the cost of living. That’s our mission, to provide you with clarity and a better deal on the cost of care.
TAS, Australia
A home modification and maintenance service especially to enable people with disabilities, the frail aged, and their carers to remain in their home. This service covers the (03) 63 and (03) 64 telephone areas. Also provides assistance with gardening, spring cleaning and social support. No ongoing lawn mowing available.
Visit supplier >Shep's Total Lawn Care Services
TAS, Australia
Services include lawn mowing, lawn spraying, lawn fertilising, whipper snipping, pruning, hedge trimming, rubbish removal, ride on mowing and clearing of blocks.
Visit supplier >Powelltown
Hello ,
I'm in a really bad situation atm . I recently had to move because my dad who I was caring for 10 years had to go into aged care .
I had nowhere to go with my dog and luckily someone I barely know let me rent a room off him in Powelltown, Vic .
I don't drive and it's an 18km walk just to get to a bus stop that is still Ages away from most things .
My centerlink has been cut off because I couldnt attend a job provider appointment due to it being so far and I haven't had any food for 5 days now.
There is a local food relief place that gives Me a few fresh vegetables every Friday but they didn't come today and it's only a few fruit and veg which is not very nourishing on an empty stomach . They only come on Fridays when they can .
Can you guys please
North Albury
My mother is 86 years old and she has early set Demancha and there is no one that can care for her 24/7 so im looking for a nursing home that will care for her but i need to find one that she can basically look after herself but to also have assistance around her 24/7 she has been hospitalised on 2 accassions now and the doctors and physio staff does not want her to stay living in her home because the only other person that lives there is my eldest son but he has cerebral phycey so can you please help me find the right residential aged care living village in the Lavington and Albury area’s only please
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