Need to contact referral and assessment centre for Home Care on 1300 88 11 44
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Phone for appointment. Minimum of 2hrs per shift; On call will need 24hrs notice
Visit supplier >Home and Community Care (HACC) Service - Quirindi
NSW, Australia
Transport, meals and social services to assist people to live at home.
Visit supplier >Ee-nar-won Home Care - Aboriginal
NSW, Australia
All referrals to Aboriginal Access and Assessment Team on 1300 797 606. Fax 1300 881 960. Email [email protected]
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW - Narrabri
NSW, Australia
Household support, personal care and respite.
Visit supplier >TAS, Australia
Helping Hands provide support workers for domestic assistance, shopping and some personal care tasks. The agency provide services to people who are HACC eligible. They are also a DVA Veterans Home Care Provider. Workers are fully insured and undergo a police check.
Visit supplier >Batlow Community Transport Service
NSW, Australia
Community Transport service to assist Frail Aged, People with a disability and their Carers with shopping, and social visits within Batlow area. Transport to medical appointments in Adelong, Albury, Canberra, Gundagai, Tumbarumba, Tumut, Wagga Wagga.
Visit supplier >Busselton Home & Community Care
WA, Australia
Transport: local $6, Bunbury $25, Perth - $120 up front. Client can then claim PATS or through DVA. Weekend transport by appt. only, book by Friday noon. Transport service for shire Hostel residents for local and medical visits(BESS funded). Domestic Assistance - house clean, washing, shopping, billpaying, can bring wood inside. Home maintenance - gardening $7/hour ( no lawn mowing). Gutters & window cleaning. Social support/visits, group outings for socially and physically isolated, small groups for social interaction. Services for visually impaired, eg correspondence, bill paying. Home delivered meals to areas in Bstn Shire.
Visit supplier >WA, Australia
Minor maintenance includes woodchopping & gardening, transport bus (Transport to Bunbury as needed to eligible clients for specialist appointments only). Domestic Assistance,In-home respite &. Social Support offered to eligible clients. Veterans home care provider.
Visit supplier >WA, Australia
Coordinator - Donna Rudolph All Capel & Dardanup Shire locations covered. Includes Roelands as it is close to boundary.
Visit supplier >QLD, Australia
Provides a home visiting service to Veterans and their immediate families. It has volunteers who transport clients to shopping and medical appointments. Volunteers also can provide some social activities. (Due to the shortage of volunteers there is a large waiting list for the volunteer assisted services.) The service allows clients to live independently in their own homes. Cleaning and respite services available.
Visit supplier >Springsure Home and Community Care Service
QLD, Australia
Home nursing; Allied Health; Personal Care; Transport, In Home Respite; Centre Based Day; Equipment Loan.
Visit supplier >Community Health Services - Bundaberg
QLD, Australia
Provides services to maintain people in their home including domestic duties,shopping assistance and community linking; administers home care and medical aids scheme which provides aids such as wheel chairs, special footwear, walking aids, other benefits ; administers legislation, providing permits for poisons, paints etc,drug and alcohol abuse; risk assessments
Visit supplier >Home Care Service - Miles Taroom and Wandoan Districts
QLD, Australia
Services provided in Miles, Taroom and Wandoan districts.
Visit supplier >Community Transport Project - Stanthorpe
QLD, Australia
Volunteer service available most days including weekends.
Visit supplier >Burdekin Community Association - Home Care Services
QLD, Australia
Provides home care services to HACC eligible clients in the Burdekin District.
Visit supplier >QLD, Australia
The Chermside and District Senior Citizens Centre Inc. (Burnie Brae) is a self-supporting Not-for-Profit Incorporated Organisation operating a large senior citizens centre and a range of funded community services.
Visit supplier >Care Time In-Home Respite Service
QLD, Australia
Care-Time is privately owned and registered in Queensland, and is desiged to assist everybody including the elderly and or disabled (mentally and physically) persons in their own place or residence.
Visit supplier >QLD, Australia
The service helps people in the community who are isolated with their shopping, Doctors appointments, Banking and Bill paying. This service is run by a paid co-ordinator and volunteers.
Visit supplier >Ozcare South ACHA Accommodation Program
QLD, Australia
This Service help to locate accommodation for clients, in some cases long term. They also assist with moving and aims to help limit premature institutionalisation. Help to get to Drs appointments, shopping and banking. Case manage most clients.
Visit supplier >Home and Community Care - Napranum
QLD, Australia
HACC services for frail aged and persons with a disability. HACC service based with Day Respite Centre (Atakuny). Centre runs Wednesday and Thursday including meals. HACC assessments done through Primary Health Clinic.
Visit supplier >Thursday Island (HACC) - Inner Island
QLD, Australia
HACC Assessment required. Centre based day care - Activity Centre.
Visit supplier >QLD, Australia
Gold Coast Complete In-Home Care Domestic, Personal Care, Meal preparation, Palliative care. Social Support. In-home respite, 24 hour/overnight care. Spring cleans. Transort. Holiday support care. Assists clients access vocational and recreational activities.
Visit supplier >QLD, Australia
Gold Coast Dial-an-Angel Services: Nursing, domestic, washing, ironing, ovens, house move cleaning, in-home respite. Can also find permanent carer/companion for a one-off finder's fee. Window cleaning, gardens, pet care, lawn mowing. Nannies, Babysitting. Waitresses for parties, corporate functions. After Hours (02) 9294 1769.
Visit supplier >The services provided by community health centres vary from centre to centre and include ACAT, Community Rehabilitation Service, General Assessment, Transition Care, Child Health Service, Children's Development Service, School-based Youth Health Service, Community Hospital Interface Progam, Health Maintenance and treatment, Indigenous Hospital Community Liaison Service, Palliative Care Services, Alcohol and Drug Services, Lifestyle Management Team including Self-management Programs, Diabetes & Respiratory Service, Indigenous Health, Breast Screen Queensland, Brisbane South Oral Helath Service and Home Care Services.
Visit supplier >QLD, Australia
Service is a community based organisation which is funded through the HACC program. The organisation aims to enchance the quality of life for frail aged, younger people with disabilities and their carers.
Visit supplier >VIC, Australia
Provides support services including home care, meals on wheels, home maintenance. Maternal and Child Health Centres, immunisation, preschool services and information.
Visit supplier >VIC, Australia
Customer Service Office, Head Office is located at 92 Nelson Street, NHILL VIC 3418
Visit supplier >VIC, Australia
Customer Service Office, Head Office is located at 92 Nelson Street, NHILL VIC 3418
Visit supplier >QLD, Australia
Spiritus provides a range of caring services consistent with our mission of enabling individuals to access nursing and related care in the comfort, safety and security of their own home. Our practice is committed, skilled and collaborative. Clinical nurses, physiotherapists, personal care workers, respite carers and volunteers provide the care, supported by a team of management and education personnel. Our services are available to clients living at home across Queensland.
Visit supplier >Australian Homecare Services - Mid North Coast
NSW, Australia
Domestic Cleaning and assistance, Personal care, Meal Preparation, Nursing Care, Home and Garden Maintenence, Child Care, Respite Care and Aged Care. 24hour Live-in and Sleepover Care also available. Fees standard Monday-Friday, higher if over weekends.
Visit supplier >Mayo Home Nursing Service - Kempsey
NSW, Australia
Personal care, nursing care, shopping, domestic care, respite care, lawns and gardens and meal preparation. Approved Vet Affairs Home Care provider.
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW - Bellingen
NSW, Australia
The service aims to help older people, people with disabilities and their carers to live independently in their own homes rather than unnecessarily move into residential care by providing domestic assistance, personal care and respite. Assessment is required to determine needs and ability of the service to provide.
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW - Upper Mid North Coast
NSW, Australia
The Home Care Service of NSW aims to help older people and people with disabilities to live independently in their own homes rather than move unnecessarily into residential care. Assessment is required to determine needs and ability of the service to provide.
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW - Kempsey
NSW, Australia
Home Care service of NSW aims to help older people and people with disabilities to live independently in their own homes.
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW - Lower Mid North Coast
NSW, Australia
Home Care Service of NSW aims to help older people and people with disabilities live independently in their own home rather than unnecessarily move into residential care. Assessment is necessary to determine needs and ability of service to provide care.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Provides companionship, practical support including shopping, domestic assistance, referral and information for people who are frail aged, or have a disability, and their carers in the Coffs Harbour LGA also bus outings are organized.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Community support and home visiting for frail aged people, young people with disabilities and their carers. Trained volunteers assist with social needs, security calls, transport and shopping. Support groups for carers of dementia sufferers and all other carers.
Visit supplier >Neighbour Aid - Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens/Bulahdelah
NSW, Australia
Provides support by volunteers for people in the community who are older and have a disability. Assistance is broad and may include shopping, social visits, gardening, groups, respite and equipment loan.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Assist frail aged, younger people with disabilities and their carers to remain as independent as possible living in their own home. Services may include advice and referral to other services, companionship, meal preparation, shopping, group outings and social support.
Visit supplier >NVCSC - Social Support Services - Nambucca & Urunga
NSW, Australia
Service to provide support, socialisation and companionship for frail aged people, people with disabilities and their carers to enable them to live at home independently with dignity and freedom from isolation. Can assist with shopping, banking, transport to doctors (waiting list dependent). Monthly outings, adult day activities specialising in small groups. Urunga Day Care - Centre Based Day Care Providing a range of activities and games, occassional guest speakers and monthly outings.
Visit supplier >Hastings Valley Neighbourhood Aid
NSW, Australia
Social support services for older people, younger people with a disability and their carers. Able to access volunteers to pay bills, shop, home or hospital visits, supported transport to attend medical and other appointments, information and referral to other relevant services. Social activities of the clients choice, within the scope of the service.
Visit supplier >Clarence Valley Council Community Services - Maclean
NSW, Australia
Various community services including: personal care, meals, housekeeping, social outings, transport, home nursing, respite care, equipment (walking frames, personal alarms etc), out of hours school care, information and referral, coordination of services.
Visit supplier >Domestic assistance, shopping, personal care, respite or overnight care for older Aboriginal people and people with disabilities. Service is available for customers on a private basis and can be provided in half hour blocks.
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW (HCS) - Brunswick Heads
NSW, Australia
Domestic assistance, shopping, personal care, respite or overnight care for older people and people with disabilities. Service is available for customers on a private basis and can be provided in half hour blocks. Customer relations line 1800 044 043.
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW (HCS) - Maclean
NSW, Australia
Domestic assistance, shopping, personal care, respite or overnight care for older people and people with disabilities. Service is available for customers on a private basis and can be provided in half hour blocks. Customer relations line 1800 044 043.
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW (HCS) - Casino
NSW, Australia
Domestic assistance, shopping, personal care, respite or overnight care for older people and people with disabilities. Service is available for customers on a private basis and can be provided in half hour blocks. Customer relations line 1800 044 043.
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW Far North Coast (HCS) - Tweed Heads
NSW, Australia
Domestic assistance, unaccompanied shopping, personal care, respite care for older people and people with disabilities. Service is available for customers on a private basis and can be provided in half hour blocks. Customer Relation Line: 1800 044 043.
Visit supplier >Linc Church Services Network - Lismore
NSW, Australia
Transport to medical appointments, shopping etc. Home visits to people in strife or lonely. Domestic help usually in emergencies only. Dealings with people with disabilities are limited by skills and knowledge of volunteers. Donations welcome.
Visit supplier >Linc Church Services Network Referral Centre - Alstonville
NSW, Australia
Transport to medical appointments and assistance with shopping. Home visits to people in strife or lonely. Domestic help in emergencies. Clients must live in 2477 p/c. During times of need due to incapacitation etc service can provide basic gardening, mowing or home maintenance. Any dealings with people with disabilities are limited by the skills and knowledge of the volunteers. Otherwise, everybody welcome. Donations welcome.
Visit supplier >Australian Care Providers (ACP)
NSW, Australia
Provision of in-home, out of home respite and respite holiday support for people with disabilities / frail aged and their carers. 24 hr emergency service.Domestic assistance.Service 24 hrs/7 days per week.
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW - Blue Mountains
NSW, Australia
Subsidised service. Provides a range of services including: personal care assistance, housework, shopping, and respite care aimed at enabling frail aged and disabled people to remain at home and living independently for as long as possible. Fees for services are negotiable and are dependent on the service(s) being provided.
Visit supplier >Home Care Services of NSW (HACC) - Penrith
NSW, Australia
Subsidised service. Provides a range of services including: personal care assistance, housework, shopping, respite care aimed at enabling frail aged and disabled people to remain at home and living independently for as long as possible. Fees for services are negotiable and are dependent on the service being provided. Before services can be provided an assessment must be conducted by contacting the Home Care Referral and Assessment Centre on 1800 350 792.
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW - Hawkesbury
NSW, Australia
Subsidised service. Provides a range of services including: personal care assistance, housework, shopping, respite care, aimed at enabling frail aged and disabled people to remain at home and living independently for as long as possible. Fees for services are in accordance with the new fee policy and are dependent on the service(s) being provided. HACC funding.
Visit supplier >Great Community Transport - Lawson
NSW, Australia
Subsided service. Provides a regular shopping service; arranging medical and hospital transport; provision of transport to centre-based meals, shopping and social activities. VISTA Project - volunteer individual shopping. Great Community Transport also has 2 Council access buses available for community groups in Blue Mountains. HACC service. Cancer care transport.
Visit supplier >Great Community Transport - Penrith
NSW, Australia
Subsidised service. Offers a range of assisted transport options for people who are frail aged, have a disability or their carers. Services include: SHOPPING BUS which runs fortnightly. Volunteers help people on and off the bus and assist if help is needed with shopping. The bus has wheelchair access. INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORT: taking people to medical appointments within the Penrith LGA on time & return. Trips to and from major hospitals out of the area are available. Wheelchair accessible vehicles are available. 48 hours notice is needed to book transport. VISTA - one to one shopping support for clients with higher support needs on a fortnighlty basis. SOCIAL OUTINGS - Bi-weekly social outings program.
Visit supplier >Hawkesbury Colo Meals On Wheels Inc
NSW, Australia
Subsidised service. Provides a supply of daily meals - fresh Mon-Fri, frozen for weekends. The meals are provided cold to be reheated by clients at meal time. Special diets can be catered for (requests within reason). The service also does EMERGENCY shopping and daily monitoring of clients.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
The aim of the Nepean Neighbour Aid Service is to provide a trained volunteer for home visits, contact and support services to isolated and house-bound frail aged people, people with disabilities and their carers. The service operates within the Penrith LGA. Services include: Volunteer Home Visits - regular, friendly home visits providing company and contact with the community. Can also provide information about support services for older people, people with disabilities and their carers.
Visit supplier >Peppercorn Community Transport
NSW, Australia
Subsidised service. Provides door to door transport service for frail older people, people with a disability and their carers. Transport is provided for shopping, medical appointments, group social outings and day care cenres. Youth transport service is available for young people 12-17yrs. Shopping buses to Richmond shopping centre: Mon- residents in Windsor, Richmond, Kurrajong. Thur- residents of Wisemans Ferry, St Albans and Sackville. Medical transport available Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs. Need 2 days notice. Community access fund is available to assist not-for-profit community groups with transport for social outings. A small service fee applies.
Visit supplier >Blue Mountains Volunteer Home Visitors-Blaxland
NSW, Australia
Provides a range of services for the frail aged, younger people with disabilities and their carers including home visits or check up calls, home library service, volunteer assisted 1 to 1 shopping and information about other services/groups. HACC service.
Visit supplier >Holroyd Neighbour Aid - Visiting Service
NSW, Australia
Neighbour Aid Visiting service provides trained volunteers to visit frail older people and people with disabilities in their own home for a few hours each week to provide companionship to those who are isolated. Volunteers may also be able to help with small tasks such as making appointments, writing letters or reading to the visually impaired.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Volunteer visiting & social support to frail aged & disabled. Practical assistance, recreational support, reading to vision-impaired, advocacy, telephone communication, transport to some appts, shopping, mail delivery. Service also provides assistance & respite to carers; regular group outings for frail aged; service is available to assist people with dementia & their carers.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Service can provide help for showering; cleaning; transport to appointments or shopping; washing; prepare a meal. Details are arranged according to your requirements.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Provides a complete meal service to the frail aged, younger disabled and their carers. Hot meals are delivered to people within Dubbo city 6 days per week (an extra meal is delivered on Saturday for Sunday). Frozen meals are delivered on Tuesdays and Fridays. They can also be delivered fortnightly or monthly or picked up from the Meals on Wheels office. Shopping services are available if requested. Meals out of the home are provided at special Meals on Wheels morning teas and lunches. Cooking lessons, assistance with preparing ingredients for meals and microwave hire are other services available.
Visit supplier >St John Community Care Program - Onkaparinga
SA, Australia
Provides social support to frail older people and younger people with disabilities by one-to-one matching of a volunteer and client. Help may include shopping, banking, practical assistance around the home, outings and linking with others in the community.
Visit supplier >SA, Australia
Our organisation is committed to promoting the independence of clients while offering an effective and quality service to those who require assistance to remain at home.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Neighbour aid service providing transport for appointments, shopping , social support, home visits and short term (an hour or so) respite care for frail aged and people with disabilities works with volunteers. Also centre-based activities.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Provides transport, shopping, social support, home visits and respite for frail aged people. Centre based day care respite 5 days per week, Servicing South Lake Macquarie.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Adamstown Community Care is a group of volunteers who caringly support those in our community who are elderly, house-bound or have a disability, and also their close carers. They cover the Adamstown, Kotara, Adamstown Heights and Kotara South, but will also attend other unsupported areas depending on the availability of volunteers. They can assist with things like shopping, transport to medical or business appointments, relief care, to give company to the person being cared for whilst the full time carer has a break. Relief care time is by appointment.
Visit supplier >Wallsend Area Community Carers Inc
NSW, Australia
Wallsend Community Care Inc. is a neighbour aid service. Volunteers provide social support for target groups. Shopping for group or individual, transport to appointments, social activity (monthly on a Tuesday & weekly on Fridays), home visiting, in home respite and information referrals.
Visit supplier >Maitland Community Care Services Inc
NSW, Australia
Provides: Transport - Timetable for specific services eg. Newcastle area & shopping. Assisted Shopping & shopping by list & bill paying., Social activities, Carer support, Social visiting. General inhome support eg letter reading etc., short term respite - max 2hrs. Domestic assistance, information & referral.
Visit supplier >Newcastle & District Nursing Service
NSW, Australia
24 hour - 7 days per week nursing service, for private patients, Veteran affairs, Private Medical Fund members, Compensation & insurance Cases. Including Domestic assistance, respite, lawn & garden maintenance.
Visit supplier >Port Stephens Community Care Inc
NSW, Australia
Neighbour Aid service providing assisted transport to appointments, home visitation, shopping assistance, respite (in home) and social activities.Linen exchange service. Low care gardening. Library run - Tomaree Area only.
Visit supplier >Port Stephens Community Care Inc
NSW, Australia
Neighbour Aid Service providing assisted transport to appointments, home visitation, shopping assistance, respite (in home) and social activities. Also provides linen exchange service, low care gardening and a library run to the Tomaree area.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Main Office ph: (02) 4933 8999 RAC: 1800 350 792 (home care service) Provides personal care and domestic assistance to frail age and people with disabilities. Also provides respite for carers.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
RAC ph: 1800 350 792 Provide services such as respite, domestic assistance and personal care services to support people to live at home. Covers Great lakes to River nth of Karua & Bucketts way Higway northside to Gloucester.
Visit supplier >Veterans Home Care - Illawarra (DVA)
NSW, Australia
Veterans Home Care assists veterans and war widows/widowers with low level care needs to remain in their own homes. Home support services:- domestic, personal care, respite care (in-home, residential, emergency) Gardening maintenance- limited to 15 hours per year (for safety only)
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
Services provided include: Regular household cleaning, laundry, meal preparation, shopping, bill paying.
Visit supplier >Milton Ulladulla Nursing Agency
NSW, Australia
Private nursing service that provides in home support and 24hr emergency service. Also Palliative care, workers compensation cases and paediatric care. Services provided are nursing care, personal care, domestic assistance, transport, respite, companionship and social support, drop in support and assistance with medication.
Visit supplier >Lane Cove Meeting House Community Transport
NSW, Australia
This service offers a monthly program of shopping outings, lunch visits to clubs and tea rooms, leisure outings, and barbecues. Anyone who is interested can contact the coordinator for a program, and can also have their details added to the regular mailing list.
Visit supplier >Manly Warringah Pittwater Community Aid Service Incorporated
NSW, Australia
This service operates a Neighbour Aid service, Home Maintenance & Modification, Individual Transport Services and Northern Sydney Home Modification Scheme. The Neighbour Aid Service provides transport to medical appointments, assists with shopping, organises a visitor, daily telephone check or regular friendly call. The Individual Transport Service provides transport for those identified as having a high need. The Home Maintenance and Modification Service provides trades people to individual home owners at a reasonable cost. Smoke detectors can be fitted at affordable prices.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
This is a private care service offering a range of domestic, nursing, and respite services. Domestic care includes: cooking, light cleaning, shopping, laundry, and transportation. Nursing care includes: personal, palliative, post operative, acute and medication. Respite includes: elderly care, dementia care, people with a disability, sleep-overs, live in care, or care on outings.
Visit supplier >Lane Cove Community Aid - Shopping Service
NSW, Australia
Lane Cove Coles Supermarket and Lane Cove Community Aid have a home delivered shopping service for those who are unable to do their own shopping. Telephone orders to Lane Cove Community Aid Service between 9.30-12noon Friday. Coles delivers your groceries to your home the following Tuesday. On Tuesday afternoon you must be home and be able to pay (in cash or cheque) for your shopping.
Visit supplier >NSW, Australia
This supermarket provides home delivery grocery service from Tuesday through to Friday. Orders to be placed by phone or faxed before 9.30 am the day before delivery. Payment by cash or cheque on delivery.
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW - Harbour North Service Centre
NSW, Australia
This service provides: general housework; personal care (help with showering, eating, dressing) and respite care. It assists only those people with the greatest need because of personal circumstances or lack of resources. This means it is not able to help everyone who requests assistance.
Visit supplier >Willoughby Community Aid - Shopping Service
NSW, Australia
Shopping service. Bus will pick up people from their own homes, take them to the shopping centre at Chatswood, drive home and assist with getting the shopping into the house. Home delivery shopping telephone orders can also be arranged. Payment on delivery.
Visit supplier >Manly Warringah Pittwater Neighbour Aid
NSW, Australia
The service provides transport to medical appointments, assists with shopping (either takes client shopping or completes shopping on his/her behalf), organises a visitor (to houses and retirement villages but not to nursing homes or hostels), daily telephone check and regular friendly call, and can arrange an escort if additional support is required.
Visit supplier >Home Care Service of NSW - Yass
NSW, Australia
Service provides: Domestic Assistance; Personal Care and Respite to HACC eligible clients.
Visit supplier >ACT, Australia
DIAL-AN-ANGEL is Australia's only national group specialising in home and family care. The Agency has been assisting Australian families, businesses and overseas visitors since 1967. Live-in as well as Visiting Angels provide all home-based services: Domestic housekeeping, Child care, Nursing, Eldercare-at-home, Gardener-handyman services, Pet care, Caretaking and Home & Corporate Functions. Medico-legal resports may be requested and a wide range of services is available through our Corporate Services department.
Visit supplier >