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Services are provided by trained volunteers - service periods are usually up to two hours.

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Services for hospital in-patients and their families

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Services for children at risk of abuse or harm under the age of 18

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Services for children at risk of abuse or harm under the age of 18

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Social Workers and Childrens Disability Issues

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Supporting remote community residents

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A group of retired professional or business people who gather on a social basis and enjoy fellowship and outings.

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Longbeach Place

VIC, Australia

Services include: - Accredited Training - Adult Literacy & Numeracy; - Arts & Crafts; - Children's Activities; - Community Groups; - Health & Recreational Groups; - Short courses in Computing; - Skills or Work and Study - Support Activities; - Venue Hire for Community Groups; - Vocational Education; - Volunteer Training.

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Meetings for senior citizens including outings, holiday entertainment, Bingo, BBQ's, cinema lunches

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people from culturally and linguistically diverse community Settlement support Migration advice

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Trinity Uniting Network

VIC, Australia

Social and educational programmmes across the age groups.

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Provides information and support, monthly activities, day trips and advocacy for parents/carers of people with disabilities in the Eastern region. Kerry Lyons of MOIRA is the Support Worker for the Southern Region. Used to be called Parent to Parent Inner East but have amalgamated with Parent Support Network.

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A social support program for older people with limited mobility and youngpeople with disabilities, offering them the opportunity to participate in community activities by providing volunteer transport assistance. Recruit, refer and train volunteers for over 300 not for profit agencies.

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Support and Information for carers or friends of people with a mental illness. Outer Eastern Metropolitan area of Melbourne

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The Gawler Foundation

VIC, Australia

Lifestyle based support programs for people with cancer, MS and other illnesses.

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The Parent Support Network (PSN) is a community organisation providing support and information to parents and carers of people with a disability who reside in eastern region.

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CityLife Community Care

VIC, Australia

Counselling and Community Centre offering a range of services to those in need.

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A friendly visiting service providing outreach support to the aged, ill housebound and those with disabilities.

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Bowls 1:30 - 4:00 Tues & Thurs Concert Practice 1:30 - 4:00 Wed Pool table, Darts, Hookey, Quoits, Table tennis, Cards - Thursdays. Train Services - Daily.

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Social Day on Tues 2.00pm-4.00pm. Committee Meeting on 3rd Wed of month 9.30am. Carpet Bowls on Wed 1.15 pm-4 pm. Cards & Games on Wed 7.00pm-10.00pm. Craft on 3rd Tues of month 9.30am-12noon. Choir on Thurs 9.30am-11.00am, Bingo on 2.00pm-4.00pm, Club lunch and Evening tea - once a month.

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WA, Australia

A service for people who are frail, aged or have a disability and live at home with little or no local family support

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Contact QE2 for times

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Social group, mainly bingo and afternoon tea.

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The group aims to develop awareness of the needs of the well and frail older person in the community to endeavour to ensure that provisions are being made for them.

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Provides recreational and educational programs, return to work/study; personal growth groups; art & craft; occasional child care. Hall and rooms for hire to community groups.

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The Morwell Stroke Support Group provides an atmosphere for stroke survivors, carers and friends to make social contacts and to share experiences. We have a guest speakers throughout the year, which, in an informal setting, provides opportunity for discussion and questions. Sometimes the greatest comfort can be found in talking to and being with others who have had a similar experience. Every stroke affects an individual in a different way, but the emotional and physical experience will be familiar amongst people who have had a stroke. There may be times when carers or others need to assist the stroke survivor to make contact with others for the purpose of peer support. Stroke support groups exist in many parts of Australia.

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Self help group for people with Multiple Sclerosis. Meet once a month at Vision Australia building.

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Diabetes Support Group

VIC, Australia

People with diabetes and their partners are welcome to join this support group.

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Provides health information and support for children, young people and adults with Rett syndrome and for their families. A newsletter is published periodically. AVAILABILITY: Support groups meet in member's homes. Telephone contact is available during business hours and after hours.

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Drop in Centre for youth to access services, recreation, peer support and information. Staffed by volunteers

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Provides social, cultural and recreational activities for people from the Austrian ethnic community. Activities include a dance, meal, cake & coffee.

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Warrnambool Legacy

VIC, Australia

Warrnambool Legacy provides welfare as required by target group. Monthly bulletin for members and Laurel Club newsletter for widows.

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COSHG is a collective supporting self-help groups. A resource library for self-help and social-action groups and information about starting and maintaining these groups are available.

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To utilise community involvement for the development of the town of Maaroom and to enhance civic pride.

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We rely on volunteers to provide this service and appreciate receiving volunteer referrals. We are a statewide program. Friendship program for people with an intellectual disability. Matches adults with an intellectual disability who are socially isolated with a volunteer friend or to a recreation or social club of their choice in the community; matching process considers the needs, commitments and interests of both parties.

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Can also service Burnett region if required. Program matches adults with an intellectual disability who are socially isolated with a volunteer friend or to a recreation or social club of their choice in the community. Considers the needs, commitments and interests of both parties. Assistance given until both parties feel comfortable; ongoing assistance is provided; Volunteers needed.

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National Secretary Mrs Lori Salam President Mr Jacob Ryan Mobile 0408731607, email [email protected]

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Museum run by volunteers. President Cecil Parter; Secretary Doris Leo

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QLD, Australia

Youth information and referral service; social programs

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Social, cultural and religious support for members of the Greek community in Toowoomba.

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Brochures held in Centre GC Seniors Club has 2 meetings per month in the Jacaranda Room on the 1st Tues and Wed of the month. Guest speakers are followed by a morning tea. Bookings through Michelle at Centre Management tel. (07) 4632 5866

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Provides community visitors for older people living in their own homes within the Burdekin District and also aims to enrich the life of residents in age care facilities who are socially isolated or lonely.

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The Senior Citizens Centre offers indoor bowls on Friday mornings and bingo, cards, bowls and boardgames on Wednesdays and Mondays. The daily fee includes tea and coffee $2. Transport can be arranged for participants.

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This service offers Social Support by visits from Dutch speaking volunteers, in order to minimse isolation of older people with Dutch speaking background in residential facilities, hospitals and the person's home. Also contact for The Dutch Helpline (07) 3393 0079.

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Social group. Membership fees apply. A representative, voluntary organisation for Seniors. Meet 3rd Sunday of each month. Meet for lunch 2nd Wed of the month and sometimes organise bus trips.

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Visit people in aged residential Facilities or nursing homes and offers friendship and social support to people without families or friends. Target Group: Aged Persons resident in a Commonwealth Funded facility, Hours the volunteers do are flexible depending on the needs.

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Services: Relationship Counselling The service provides marriage, relationship and family counselling and cultural & ethnic issues counselling. The service is provided for individuals, couples, families, young & adolescent children and gay men and lesbians with relationship problems. African Community Support Program, Support is provided through cross cultural workshops and a youth group, for adults and young people from the Horn of Africa ethnic community.

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Parent Aides are trained volunteers who assist families experiencing difficulties in parenting their children. They support families in a non threatening way offering practical assistance, guidance and a listening ear. Tailored to the needs of the client including transport to medical appointments, meetings, classes, shops etc

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Indoor activities, monthly bus trips, newsletter, computer and internet classes. Day respite section - Paddington Day Respite (07) 3868 3723

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Child and Youth - behavioural problems 5 to 18. Disability services for 18 and over. Supported accommodation, Erna's Place, Friday night drop in, holidays & camps, current clients only. family support, community access, behaviour management.

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The Cerebral Palsy League of Queensland's Inhome and Community Support Program works in partnership with families, responding to the needs of each family. The service aims to provide direct support to families who have a child with cerebral palsy or related disability, aged 0-18 years. Flexible hours / 7 days per week. Types of service provided include: in home support and community support workers. Four week Christmas time holiday program (5 hours a day Monday to Thursday), via referral to Blue Care Unicare (07) 3369 8577.

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Neighbour Aid - Bellingen

NSW, Australia

Provide social support for frail aged, people with disabilities and their carers. Volunteer based program to provide company and friendship by home visits or outings. Monitors wellbeing of people visited and identifies gaps in available services. Some practical assistance available including assistance with shopping. Day trips each week and monthly group outings. Vehicle (people mover) available. Some respite available. Koori age eligibility 45 yrs+.

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The aim of this service is to help the frail aged, people with disabilities and their carers maintain independance at home. The service offers advocacy, referral and social support through recreational outings including a meal.

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Orange City Library

NSW, Australia

Services available , Home Library Service , Library Bus Service contact Library for further information

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Home Respite Service is a community based service for people with dementia (and/or carers) which will assist them to remain in the community. Services include: respite (up to 3 hours per week - regular and irregular), meal preparation, monitoring of diet and safety, exercise, memory activities and conversation. Service Hours: 7 days per week and some after hours. Home duties can also be provided in exceptional circumstances. The service also provides support and information to carers. Carers Support Groups run in Blacktown on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 7pm-9pm and in Penrith on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 1pm-3pm. HACC funded

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Provides social activities for senior citizens aged 55+, and includes Blue Gum Frail Aged Social Group which meets on a Friday at the centre.

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Services provided as part of the Housebound Library service include monthly delivery of books to housebound residents (following discussion with the client about the types of books they like to read), library activity sessions at nursing homes, retirement villages and senior day care centres, locating materials (books, research)requested by clients, providing support in the use of new technology etc. All services are free of charge.

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The mission of the Home Library Service is to ensure that members of the community who are unable to access the public library facility (due to illness, disability, infirmity etc) have access to the full range of public library services. Services provided as part of the Home Library service include fortnightly delivery of books to housebound residents (following discussion with the client about the types of books they like to read), locating materials (books, research)requested by clients, providing support in the use of new technology etc. The Home Library Service operates between the hours of 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and all services are free of charge. The Penrith Home Library Service is supported by the involvement of 9 volunteers.

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Social group; Carpet bowls; Afternoon tea.

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Lions Club - Cooma

NSW, Australia

Community based organisation providing assistance to charities. Members meet every second Wednesday at the Cooma Ex Servicemans Club, Vale Street.

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Provides a daily lifeline to the elderly and medically dependent who live alone. Volunteers contact clients by phone everyday between 8 am and 9 am to ensure their well being and safety. If the call is not answered or the client seeks help, Red Cross initiates an emergency check procedure and if necessary arranges assistance.

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Recreational, social and health promotion activities for residents over 50 including gentle exercise, yoga, tai chi, pilates, scrabble, painting and drawing, Italian speaking social group, Russian Friendship social group, Spanish Speaking Social group, Hungarian Card group, guest speakers, interesting strolls, coast/holiday tours, discussion group, solace/bereavement group. In addition, the centre provides activities and transport for people who have difficulty getting out of the house including Monday housie, Tuesday social activities, and Friday fortnightly short day trips with door to door transport. A private health clinic provides bowen therapy, massage and podiatry service. Most groups are run by volunteers.

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Provides Group activities each Monday and Friday for older Macedonians. A range of activities are offered for participants including: tea and coffee, the opportunity to socialise, information sessions and guest speakers on a range of topics including health, aged care services and housing. Other activities including the participation in community festival and preparation for these events.

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Macedonian Women's Group

NSW, Australia

Group activities are held in a local church building, and the group meets each Tuesday. A range of activities are offered for participants including: tea and coffee, the opportunity to socialise, information sessions and guest speakers on a range of topics including health, aged care services and housing. Other activities such as craft, participation in community festival and the preparation of food for these events also take place. The group consists mostly of women aged 60, although membership is open to all age groups.

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Pyrmont Community Centre

NSW, Australia

Provides a range of leisure and recreational activities including: art, craft, gymnasium, basketball, volleyball, netball, soccer, and paddle tennis. Kitchen facilities and multipurpose hall are also available for use. A youth worker is available.

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Provides welfare services for ex-servicemen and women who are classified as Totally and Permanently Incapacitated (TPI) by the Department of Veteran's Affairs and reside within NSW. Services are also available to spouses of TPI's.

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Provides social activities for ex-servicemen and women and their spouses, who are classified as Totally and Permanently Incapacitated (TPI) by the Department of Veteran's Affairs.

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Through the New Friends project TCC aims to reduce social isolation in the Lightning Ridge area by providing a social visiting scheme utilising a volunteer network. Trained volunteers will make social visits to clients on a regular and prearranged basis. Clients may be from all sectors of the community, provided they have a genuine need.

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Eastern Shore Glee Club

TAS, Australia

Choir who sing for own and others' enjoyment. Provides entertainment (singing etc.) in nursing homes, community centres, church groups, etc. on request.

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Baha'i Spiritual Assembly (Religious body)

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A Support Group for Men who are in a caring roll, held in a friendly and Confidential enviroment. Meetings held in the Aged Care Meeting Room at the Forrest Centre Wagga Wagga.

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Mental Illness Fellowship

VIC, Australia

support for family and friends of those with mental illness. Day program, respite, residential rehab,Home Based Outreach & Accommodation Support & familiy education and support service. The Residential Rehabilitation Program enables people with a mental illness to learn or relearn living skills in a supportive and safe `live in- environment. It assists people who require more support than can be provided by visiting workers. Residents build social and living skills through shared learning with others, while accepting responsibility for themselves within a supportive environment. The program also fosters vocational and educational connectedness in the community. MI Fellowship has covers the hume region with offices in wangaratta and seymour

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People from all Midwest are able to access Social Club

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List shopping, Assited shopping and home delivery shopping service. Orders are taken and delivered weekly. This is a Home and Community care Service (HACC).

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VIC, Australia

VANISH provides advocacy and support for those involved with adoption, former wards of state, care leavers, and children born from donor programs.

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Kids Activity Trailer

NT, Australia

Contact service provider for dates. Activities for children 0-5 years. Children with disabilities welcome. Play and learn with your child in the DRY SEASON. Dressing Up, Toy Games, Story Telling, Music, Painting, Play dough, Puppets, Craft Activities & Water play. Library Outreach, Community Information & Guest Speakers for Parents.

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Hands On

NSW, Australia

Hands On is a service provided by the Red Cross. Volunteers provide service in aged care facilities, day care centres, hospitals, hostels and nursing homes. Contact Hands On for locations.

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Lions Club - Cairns

QLD, Australia

Community social club.

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Provides information on the local area Produces local directories and information brochures including Local home services directory, local learning English directory, local emergency aid & Food & shopping, domestic assistance& Personal care and residential aged care for Sydney and Eastern suburbss & botany.

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QLD, Australia

SOCIAL CLUB WITH SPECIALS FOR MEMBERS. WEEKLY MEAL DEALS. All members recieve discounts. Points awarded for every dollar spent. Bingo every day except Tuesday.

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Designed to be of assistance to young people 7-17yrs who are isolated and need additional adult support and friendship.

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Neighbour Aid- Rylstone

NSW, Australia

Neighbour Aid is located with Community transport & Home Modifications/ Maintenance within the Rylstone Health centre

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Meets forth Saturday/month 10.30am at Crossing Cafe for coffee & chat. Information about Arts, Culture and Heritage in Deniliquin. Assistance with information about promotion, funding, resources, event management and collaborative opportunities. Free monthly "whats-on" newsletter available on request.

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Canola Adventurers

NSW, Australia

Support group for men The group was formed in June 2000 and meets weekly at the Allawah Community Hall. There are 32 members and an average of 25 attends each meeting. The aim of the group is friendship, support and social interaction for men. The group meetings feature a range of guest speakers and activities including music days and bus trips around the local area. The group also has 3-day bus trips twice per year, usually in April and October.

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Hillston OMNI Group

NSW, Australia

Older mens social meeting each Wednesday fortnight from 10am to 12 noon.

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