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Short term option - not a 24 hour medical emergency service. On call service available after hours. In home or residential respite. Provides flexible packages of care to meet the needs of primary carers, people within the target group. Emergency short term, in home relief at times of crisis or urgency. Assistance may be in home or in the community.

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Short term option - not a 24 hour medical emergency service. On call service available after hours. In home or residential respite. Provides flexible packages of care to meet the needs of primary carers, people within the target group. Emergency short term, in home relief at times of crisis or urgency. Assistance may be in home or in the community.

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Residential respite provides temporary care for clients who intend to return to the community. The Residential Respite Booking Service provides information on the various care facilities, and processes the bookings. Residential Respite is available for up to 63 days in any financial year to people who have been assessed as eligible by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) and have a current ACAT approval for residential respite care. The booking service is free, however, there is a fee for each day of respite, currently $32.95 per day. Financial assistance may be available to clients who are unable to afford respite.

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