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WA, Australia

Saturday club for people with disabilities - open for all ages. Arts and crafts, cooking, outdoor games, possibly outings into the community.

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Fellowship House

WA, Australia

Fellowshop House provides a meeting place for companionship and support, has transport to and from the centre , a carers' support group plus tea and coffee making facilities. Information is provided through books and pamphlets, video and audio tapes. Advocacy and referral is offered in the areas of accommodation, income, legal and medical issues. Also, home visits offer emotional support, practical assistance and support for children and other family members. Activities at the centre include: " operate office and meeting place for sufferers and families " recreation for all members " produces literature and general information to help make the public more aware of mental illness " families and sufferers meet at Fellowship House at Alexander Street for support and for recreational activities " 24 hour telephone service " liaise with Mental Health and other community organisations " grief counselling

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The Goldfields Individual & Family Support Association (Inc) supports People with disabilities, Carers and families living in the whole of the Goldfields regions. GIFSA works with individuals with a disability and members of their families to achieve and maintain quality of lifestyle by providing community based supports that are tailored to their needs , wishes and circumstances. GIFSA is funded by DSC, DoHA and FAHCSIA (MHS Respite). GIFSA offers a wide range of programs to meet individual needs. Programs include: Respite - In home, Out of home or Centre based. Accommodation Support Day time options - Living for the Future Recreation Carers Support Information and Advocacy Available in the NRCP program is the Kambalda Kids Club ; School Holiday Programs and the Saturday Morning Club. GIFSA also offers a 7-bed Respite House. The "Living for the Future" Program consists of the State Govt funded Alternatives To Employment (ATE) and Post School Options (PSO) programs.

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City of Cockburn

WA, Australia

The City of Cockburn provides many community services . It's Childrens Services are run by Community Groups or organisations. These are:- Day Care Holiday Activities Kindergartens Occasional Care Playgroups Pre-Schools/Pre-Primary Schools Cockburn Toy Library Atwell Toy Library -Family Support Services offers short term counselling, information and referrals to support networks . -Atwell Financial Counselling Services is a free Service for its residents and is based at Atwell Community Centre. Call Anne on 9414 6302 . -The Youth Outrage Program operates in the School Holidays and offers young people aged 12 - 16 a huge variety of activites. For further details call the Youth Programs and Activities Officer, Paul de Bruin on 9418 7153 or [email protected] -Aged and Disabled services include X2 day care centres in Hamilton Hill and Beeliar plus HACC and CACP services-see Cockburn Care for more info

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Collie Day Care Centre

WA, Australia

Purpose built facility. Large ethnic group Tuesdays (Polish and Italian). Transport - 2 buses (wheelchair modified) to and from Centre daily, 1 car for Appointments (local & Bunbury, book beforehand), social support & general transport. Emergency overnight respite. Fully equipped workshop for Men's Group - Mondays and Tuesdays. Meals provided - centre based. Every second Friday is Out & About Group, day trips to Perth or Augusta etc. $5 - $10 contact centre for more details.

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Take Time assists carers by providing respite for people with a functional disability.The program provides centre based day activities, community activities and socialisation opportunities. Most services are offered as small group activities operating Monday to Saturday with some evening activities. Services are provided from the Take Time base at Willetton, the Frank Konecky centre in Kwinana and from local venues. Programs are based on client interests and include programs specifically designed for young adults. A transport service to and from the clients home and the venue can be provided. The program covers people with functional disabilities between the ages of 7 and 70 years. These disabilities may include intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities, acquired brain injury, autism and psychiatric disabilities. People who live in the South Metropolitan Health Region (MSE and MSW). People who are eligible for Home and Community Care (HACC) services

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Silver Chain Day Centre

WA, Australia

40 places available per day. Bus & 1 car available for transport. $6 meals daily. Outings at least twice a month. Self referral

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Activ - Family Services

WA, Australia

Activ Home Care Services provides respite services in order to provide alternative care for people with disabilities in the aim of giving their carer some relief, it also helps to support and maintain the relationship they have with the person in their care. Active family services also provides social support and centre based day centres for people with a disability and their carers.

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This Day Care Centre, located at Warwick, offers services to adults with disabilities 16 years of age and over. It focuses on providing adults with disabilities with opportunities to develop new hobbies and skills, to participate in recreational activities and to socialise with other people.

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This disability specific agency provides a flexible, daytime occupation focusing on community access, integration and participation for people with disabilities according to their needs.

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The Heights Community House provides a drop in service for younger people with a disability (18-60 years of age). The centre co-ordinates a variety of programs to meet the specific needs of the clients. Programmes, outings and activities are designed wherever possible to meet the identified needs of individual members.

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Joe Camilleri Centre assists people with intellectual disabilities to have fun through socialisation, physical and mental stimulation, and also provides a respite option for carers.

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Crossroads Subiaco provides centre based respite services for people with disabilities.

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A 24 hour respite care is available the Multiple Sclerosis Society City Beach House. Overnight stay can be arranged for country members attending doctors appointments.

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WA, Australia

PHCS is also known as Regional Home Care Services in the Wheatbelt and the Mid-West. OANDA(Out and About) is a service that aims to assist families/carers of an adult with a disability by providing respite in the form of quality programs, activities and outings to improve the development of daily life skills and encourage participation and involvement of the person with the dsiability in community life. In the Wheatbelt, centre based activities can be provided at RHCS's Out and About Centre in Merredin. Clients may travel in a Support Worker's Vehicle when specified within the service plan. Public transport may be used if it is appropriate to the client's needs and skills. The Wheatbelt Program is ATE -aligned and provides respite for elderly carers of disabled adult children by providing out of home respite for them and social outings and community integration.This is a centre-based day care for people with disabilities and overnight respite is provided by a caravan park nearby .

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Activ HACC Services

WA, Australia

HACC funded services to people with intellectual disabilities and their famillies. Social Support and Centre Based Day care for 18 years and over (16 years if school leaver). On pre-assessment basis

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Community First

WA, Australia

Community First's Community Services Centre delivers a variety of programs :- Ability Art- recognizes that people , regardless of physical or mental disability, need to create and communicate through artistic forms of expression should not be limited. PAC Peel Activities Centre Community First's PAC program is funded by HACC and provides centre based day care for people with a disability. The PAC program offers participants the opportunity to participate in a variety of woodwork activities in a supported environment. Participants are assisted in a hands on approach to the creation of products such as toys, tables and chopping boards. HACC eligible clients have the following services available:- Home Maintenance Domestic Assistance Centre-based Day care Personal Care Social Support(in and out of home)

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Short term no ACAT needed for high or low care respite for people with dementia or challenging behaviours . Very small facility with max 3 beds. Metro East coverage. Max cost $39 per day inclusive of night - please discuss with provider. Updated September

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Adult day care centres offer a friendly and enjoyable social environment for frail elderly people, those with dementia and young adults with a disability. In particular they aim to assist those who wish to live independently but may require some care and assistance. They also provide community based respite for frail aged persons who have a carer in need of relief. A flexible and varied program of activities is offered in a safe, secure, home-like environment with organised outings and day trips. Fees includes all meals. The Bethanie Care Group in MSW have two Adult Day Care Centres:- Bethanie House Kwinana Bethanie House Rockingham and others throughout the metro area.The HACC office is also located here. The HACC Manager is Lisa Edwards ; Ph. 9593 9891

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Care Options runs a variety of innovative programs supporting children, teenagers and young adults with an intellectual or acquired disability. Extended programming includes school holiday respite, weekend camps for both children and young adults and individual family and carer support. This program operates out of both Challenger Lodge and Kennedy House. Contact details: Phone: 08 9550 7817 Fax: 08 9528 2655 Email: [email protected] YAC- young adults club is run each Wednesday evening at Challenger Lodge.Vacation groups of young disabled go to Lansdale Farm for weekend stays. Care Options provides services and programs across the South West Metropolitan area, covering the local government areas of Melville, East Fremantle, Fremantle, Cockburn, Kwinana and Rockingham and in some instances, Mandurah. Recreation, Holiday program and Camps for young people with disabilities* Weekend camps for older people with disabilities Life Skills program Case Management

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Flojoes Friendship Club

WA, Australia

Social club for intellectually disabled young adults The group meets each week Tues-Fri.@10p/d. This is a HACC service.

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Coolbah Cottage does not require an ACAT for entry into Respite care. The Cottage Respite can provide services to a maximum of 6 people during the day and night. A carer is eligible for respite care for their loved one if they meet the following criteria:- - They are a family member, friend or neighbour who provides regular and sustained care to another person -They are not paid for their caring role other than a pension or benefit. -They are the primary carer to the care recipient, that is, they provide the most informal assistance to the care recipient. There is an activities program provided whilst staying for a respite. The Cottage Respite has equipment and facilities to assist people needing high and low levels of care. Operating Hours :- Everyday 365 days of the year. Emergency respite is also available. The Respite Cottage is open on public holidays. There is now an Adult Day Care Centre that has been operational since Jan 2008

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